
As part of our commitment to providing safe and accessible parking, parking citations can be issued to any vehicle found in violation of 加州大学洛杉矶分校's 停车规定. All citations are issued in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. 规定是全天候执行的,节假日也不例外. It should be understood that a warning may be issued for a parking violation, 然而, 第一次违章会收到传票.



  • 通过邮寄付款至;
洛杉矶,CA 90032
  • 在网上 CalStateLA.aimsparking.com信用卡交易将收取服务费.

  • In-person with cash or check at the One-Stop Financial Services, Student Services Building #2380.
  • In the citation payment drop-box in front of Public Safety (check or money order only please)

Payment for citations should be made within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation. 如果在到期日之后收到付款, a delinquent fee will be assessed to your fine and will be included on your Delinquent Courtesy Notice. Failure to pay a citation may result in a DMV hold and a university hold being placed on your record. 按行政程序402,7.3.4. 大学可移走被遗弃的车辆, any vehicle parked in such a way as to constitute a traffic hazard, 非法停放的车辆. Vehicles with five (5) or more unpaid parking citations are subject to impound (towing) under California Vehicle Code sections 22651.3(b)和22651.7. The owner will be responsible for the costs involved in removing and storing of such vehicles.


细s vary based on the violation and amounts of fines are in-line with neighboring cities and other CSU Campuses.

Here's a quick guide to our citation descriptions and fines




(没有显示有效的许可证, 超过时限, 在预留车位停车, 显示过期的许可证, 等.)




(Fire lane, bike lane, walkway, blocking other vehicles, 等.)



显示伪造/涂改或 丢失或被盗许可证


禁用区违规行为 $368.00


违反代码 描述 保释 拖欠的费用 拖欠款项总额
22523b 放弃禁止 $75.00 $34.00 $109.00
21113A-3 倒车到档位 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21210 自行车停车 $18.00 $19.00 $37.00
22500F 堵塞人行道 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(b) 阻塞伤残档位 $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
22500(E) 封锁车道 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22500J 公共汽车带 $263.00 $34.00 $297.00
22514 消防栓旁无操作人员 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(a) 残疾人停车区 $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
21113A 伤残路面条纹 $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
2251156b 残废标语牌误用 $368.00 $60.00 $428.00
21113A 出示假许可证 $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
22500H 双排停车 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A-11 不遵守张贴的标志 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
41525 未能申请注册 $33.00 $0.00 $33.00
40226 未能显示标语牌 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113a-32 不当展示许可证 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-10 装货区白色黄色. $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-25 丢失或被盗许可证 $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
21113A-6 禁止停车 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 非指定停车场 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 不允许 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-33 没有显示有效许可证 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 无效的许可证 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-4 标记档外 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 夜间停车 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A 加班表 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-7 超时停车 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
22502A 停在离路边18英寸的地方 $60.00 $34.00 $94.00
22500.1 在消防车道停车 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(C) 把车停在十字路口 $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
21113A-13 在人行横道上停车 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A-9 红色区域 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-8 预留停车区 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 共享许可 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 篡改w / pkg计 $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
22515a 无人飞行器 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 非法停车-公共停车场 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A 使用多个隔间 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
22500A 在十字路口 $75.00 $39.00 $114.00



A request for an Initial Review of a parking citation must be submitted within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation or within 14 calendar days of receiving the Delinquent Courtesy Notice. Responses will be mailed to the name and address supplied on the form.

Request for an Initial Review can be made by submitting a 停车 Citation Contest Form.

  • 比赛表格可于网上递交 CalStateLA.aimsparking.com
  • 传真:(323)343-3724
  • 邮寄至 加州州立大学洛杉矶停车服务中心 停车场传票服务中心美国州立大学博士.美国洛杉矶公共安全大楼,加州90032

Level One Reviews require 20 business days to complete adjudication.


如果您对初始评审结果不满意, requests for an Administrative Hearing can be made by steps listed in your Initial Review response. Please note that the Request must be made for an Initial Review before requesting an Administrative Hearing. The request for the Administrative Hearing must be made within 21 days of the results from the Initial Review. 申请初步审查不需要任何费用, but all fees due from the Citation must be paid before an Administrative Hearing date is provided (Reference CVC 40215.b. 详细资料).

A Hearing Examiner will review the information provided and your testimony. 然后做出决定. The decision of the Hearing Examiner may be delivered by first-class mail.

If your citation is "dismissed," the penalty paid for the citation will be refunded in full. 退款将向公共安全部门提出要求. 公共安全周一至周五开放, 早上8点到下午5点, 电话:(323)343-6118.


If you are not satisfied with the results of the Level 2 Appeal Hearing, you can further appeal your case (in person) to the local court of law within 30 calendar days from the mailing of the Level 2 Appeal Hearing liable notice.


当停车罚单过期时, a DMV registration hold and when eligible an academic hold with the university may be applied as per CCR Title V, 第42381节. An academic hold may include (list transcripts, grades, diploma)

停车 services will use a reasonable determination that the student owned or operated the vehicle at the time of citation to determine whether an Academic Hold will be applied to a student’s record.

Academic holds can only be released after payment is received in full or the debtor enrolls into a 引文支付协议. 确保等待被释放, please contact 停车 Services during regular business hours, 星期一至五下午八时至五时.m. Please contact (323) 343-3594 or (323) 343-6118 and authorized 工作人员 will release the academic hold once payment or citation status is verified.

Further information on 停车 Citations is available by contacting the 停车 Services at (323) 343-6118 or via 电子邮件.


Pursuant to California State University (CSU) policy 4071, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is offering a payment agreement for multiple unpaid citations or citations totaling $200 or more. 在计划登记时, 最低首付款为所欠款项的10%, 外加25美元的注册费, 是必需的. Subsequent payments will be made on a monthly basis as set by 加州州立大学洛杉矶停车服务中心 to the following durations, but citations may be paid in full at any time during the agreement. 更多详细信息,请访问我们的 引文支付协议 页面. If you meet the criteria above and would like to set up payment arrangements, please complete the 引文支付协议申请表格. 如果你有任何问题,请提出来 电子邮件 或致电(323)343-6118.

联络停车及运输 了解更多信息

All of the above information is subject to change without notice

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