


Give yourself a leg up on "finding your people" by getting involved in our 生活学习社区. Our Learning Communities are comprised of students who share something in common - whether its identity, 研究领域, 或者个人兴趣领域. 居民 in these living options participate in academically and socially engaging programming designed specifically for them, 同时在拥有共同兴趣的同龄人之间创建社区.


The Emerging Student Leader Community aims to focus on students who are passionate about obtaining leadership opportunities during their academic journey while at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 学生 in this community will participate in ongoing programming initiatives and leadership opportunities to strengthen their leadership skills. 居民 in this community will also establish connections with incoming first-year students to help them acclimate to the transition of living and adapting to college life by fostering new connections. 正是这些持续的经历让学生们为大学以后的生活做好了准备.

在工程、计算机科学和技术社区建立你的未来世界! This community is committed to the development of highly qualified and responsible technology professionals. 这个社区的居民将参与各种工程, computing and technology disciplines through programming and other professional development opportunities. 就在你住的地方测试你的创新思维和解决问题的能力!

考虑从商? Join other first-year business majors to engage in a common living community and an opportunity to study and learn from each other. 作为住院医生, explore the world of business in a growing global economy with chances to engage and connect with a variety of business majors and programs designed just for the community!

The Transfer Community brings together students who arrive at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 with valuable college and life experiences. 在这个节目中, first-year transfer students build on the strength and resilience from these experiences and come together as a supportive community. 

卫生专业社区为一年级学生提供机会, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Exploring Health Professions and Nursing majors to fully explore their chosen career path, develop as leaders in their field and successfully transition to the college environment. Health Professions residents will engage in a variety of experiential learning opportunities and learn from fellow health profession students. 考虑从事心理学的职业? Join other first-year psychology majors to engage in a common living community and an opportunity to study and learn from each other with programs designed just for the community!



The 哈利斯学者生活学习社区 is designed to enhance the residential experience for students who are a part of the Pan African Community, 或任何有兴趣提高足彩外围网站黑人学生体验的学生. The Halisi LLC also focuses on understanding current events that affect the Black community and offers the opportunity to connect with faculty, 工作人员, 通过参与以学业成功为重点的项目, 文化意识, 公民参与.

2024-2025 Nuestra称Casa秘鲁社区

The Nuestra称Casa秘鲁 community will focus on developing a community that embraces and celebrates Chicanx/Latinx cultures while addressing academic success as 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students. This interest community is intended to gain a deeper understanding of current issues and events affecting Chicanx/Latinx communities and specifically 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students who hold those identities. We invite those who identify with the Chicanx/Latinx communities or those who are interested in understanding and uplifting Chicanx/Latinx identities and cultures.

2024 - 2025年GIH

变性人, genderqueer, agender and gender-nonconforming residents are valued members of our 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Community. GIH is an environment where students may choose to share a room with any other student regardless of sex, 生物性别, 性别认同, 性别表达与性取向. GIH还将提供令人兴奋的文化, 教育, and social programming that celebrates and affirms the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students and allies.


Communal living isn’t always easy; sometimes noise is the most difficult thing to adjust to and headphones only drown out so much. 把你的房子 & 在DND模式下的居住生活体验,并消除一些担忧. Whether you are a member of our neurodivergent community and prone to sensitive hearing and overstimulation or you just prefer an extra quiet living space, 国防部有你的保障. 虽然住房 & 居住生活并不能保证一个完全“无噪音”的环境, DND居民应该在任何时候都更加努力地尊重安静时间.

公正、公平、多样性与包容(J).E.D.I.) Themed Community is designed for students of all majors who desire to participate in meaningful, 有意识和勇敢的讨论, 有关社会变革的项目和活动. This community is designed to celebrate and bring more understanding to historically marginalized communities with an emphasis on increasing one's social justice advocacy from focusing on the "self" and expanding to advocating and uplifting communities outside of your own. 在我们所有人都获得自由之前,没有人是自由的.E.D.I. LLC为实现这一目标提供了工具和空间.

The Transfer Community brings together students who arrive at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 with valuable college and life experiences. 在这个节目中, first-year transfer students build on the strength and resilience from these experiences and come together as a supportive community. 

说到可持续性, the first things to come to mind are often blue recycling bins and conversations around plastic. While these are important starting points for many as they start their journey into sustainability, sustainable gardening practices are also a crucial aspect of sustainability and climate change activism.   

与足彩外围网站的城市食品花园,加州州立大学洛杉矶住房合作 & Residence Life encourages residents to get their hands dirty and learn more about eco-friendly gardening, 加州本土植物, 如何帮助我们的授粉物种, 环境保护, and how you can incorporate these sustainability practices into your everyday life long after your time at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 has come to an end.